Calypso Newman: Powerful Award winning Art-Tech Maven

calpso newman

Calypso Newman: Powerful Award winning Art-Tech Maven

Meet Calypso Newman, the vibrant Northeastern University alum who’s painting the business world with a new palette! This rising star is fusing art and technology to revolutionize how companies tell their stories, and boy, is she making waves!

From Rags to Rock Badger

Newman’s journey wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns. Picture this: a fresh graduate selling her prized possessions to fund her dream. Ouch! But like a true rockstar, she turned those “no’s” into fuel for her entrepreneurial fire. Now, she’s paying it forward, mentoring young go-getters to avoid the same pitfalls.

“Values are the secret sauce in business,” Newman quips. “Without them, we’re just spinning our wheels!”

Rock Badger: Where Data Meets Dali

So, what’s the buzz about Rock Badger? Imagine turning boring sustainability reports into jaw-dropping artwork. That’s their jam! With their fancy VisuAIise Sustainability tool, they’re transforming “We planted 10,000 trees” into visual masterpieces that make employees and customers go “Wow!”

“Art is like a magic key,” Newman explains from her cool London startup hub. “It unlocks those tricky abstract concepts for everyone.”

From Campus to Canvas

Newman’s love affair with art blossomed at Northeastern, and boy, did it pay off! Before you could say “Picasso,” she was rubbing elbows with the bigwigs at Meta and rocking the UK Creative Festival. She even curates exhibitions at the swanky Saatchi Gallery. Not too shabby!

Climbing the Corporate Ladder (in Stilettos)

Remember those early days of unanswered emails and ghosted calls? Calypso Newman does. But instead of getting bitter, she got better. Now, she’s all about lifting others, taking interns under her wing faster than you can say “You’re hired!”

Award-Winning Rock Star

Newman’s hustle hasn’t gone unnoticed. She snagged Northeastern’s 2024 Women Who Empower Innovator Award, proving she’s not just talented, but also a total boss babe. And speaking of bosses, her company’s namesake – the rock hyrax – is as tough as they come. Talk about spirit animal goals!

From Trembling to Triumph

Post-graduation, Calypso Newman cut her teeth at an art startup and a fancy auction house before taking the entrepreneurial plunge. Those nerve-wracking presentations in front of priceless artworks? They were her secret weapon.

“Now I’m hosting panels like a pro,” she grins. “Thanks, Northeastern, for turning this trembling leaf into a public speaking powerhouse!”

Keeping It in the Family

Newman hasn’t forgotten her roots. She’s teamed up with her former professor, Kate Grandjouan, to run workshops that are part of “Art 101” and “Innovation Bootcamp.” And she’s not done yet – expect more mind-blowing collaborations in the future!

The Rock Badger Way

With values like optimism, reliability, and collaboration, Newman’s not just building a business – she’s creating a movement. By blending art, tech, and good old-fashioned values, she’s rewriting the rules of business storytelling.

Watch out, corporate world – Calypso Newman and Rock Badger are here to shake things up, one stunning visual at a time!

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