Obodugo Raphael: a Maestro in Tech and Fashion Brands

Obodugo Raphael: a Maestro in the Tech and business landscape

Obodugo Raphael Prince

Obodugo Raphael: a Maestro in the Tech and Business landscape.

Obodugo Raphael Prince, a seasoned software engineer and astute businessman, embarked on a remarkable journey. He delved into this during his undergraduate years at the University of Nigeria Nsukka, where he pursued a degree in Computer Science.

Obodugo Raphael: a Maestro in the Tech and business landscape

From Campus to Code: Raphael’s Early Entrepreneurial Journey

In his third year, Raphael initiated his foray into entrepreneurship by launching the startup app “Jackometer.” This innovative e-book application aimed to streamline students’ access to online educational materials. Despite its initial promise, financial constraints posed a significant challenge, leading Raphael to seek funding from the Vice-chancellor. Unfortunately, the app succumbed to these challenges and faded away.

Undeterred by setbacks, Raphael demonstrated resilience by venturing into another entrepreneurial endeavor—this time, creating “Shopmall.” This e-commerce app catered to students, providing them with a convenient platform for online shopping within the school environment. Despite the positive reception, the demands of academic responsibilities prevented Raphael from sustaining the app for more than six months.

Obodugo Raphael: a Maestro in the Tech and business landscape

Obodugo Raphael: a Maestro in the Tech and Business landscape- Shagital: Unveiling the Umbrella Company

Post-graduation, armed with valuable insights into the intricacies of running startups. Raphael secured the necessary capital to reignite his passion for entrepreneurship. In 2020, he founded the umbrella company “Shagital,” designed to encompass all future startups and businesses under its wing.

The inaugural venture under Shagital’s banner was “Feedmonkey,” a startup facilitating actionable feedback collection for companies. Despite its success, Raphael faced the challenge of balancing a full-time job, prompting the eventual sale of Feedmonkey.

Following this, “MySub” emerged as a solution for digital services, particularly addressing the issues associated with naira card payments. Subsequently, “Owofi” was introduced—an offline fintech addressing banking without internet connectivity, enabling seamless money transactions.

Obodugo Raphael: a Maestro in the Tech and business landscape

Raphael’s innovative spirit continued with creating “Goal Genius,” which utilizes AI to provide sports predictions. Primarily, based on extensive data sets, including player lineups, status, form, and recent performances.

Obodugo Raphael: a Maestro in the Tech and business landscape

Ijemba: Crafting Identity Through Fashion

Beyond the realm of startups, Raphael ventured into the physical business arena with his clothing and footwear brand, “Ijemba.” Rooted in Igbo culture, the brand aspired to produce luxurious fashion items crafted by skilled artisans in the East. Embracing handmade craftsmanship, Ijemba aimed to promote local resources and celebrate Nigeria and the Igbo identity.

Obodugo Raphael: a Maestro in the Tech and business landscape

Obodugo Raphael: a Maestro in the Tech and Business landscape-  Engineering Excellence: Ogbodugo’s Journey as a Software Maestro

In addition to his entrepreneurial endeavors, Raphael is an accomplished and result-oriented software engineer with seven years of professional experience. Moreover, he excels in solving complex problems. His meticulous attention to detail and methodical approach consistently deliver solutions that surpass expectations. He’s renowned for his innovative thinking and ability to tackle challenges head-on. Raphael’s passion for staying ahead of industry trends positions him as an expert in his field.

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