Egbo Chidera: Transforming Thrift into Affordable Luxury

Egbo Chidera: Transforming Thrift into Affordable Luxury

Egbo Chidera

Egbo Chidera: Transforming Thrift into Affordable Luxury, illustrates the tenacious nature of a striving student entrepreneur.

From Student to Entrepreneur: Chidera’s Journey

Chidera Egbo is the proprietor of a thrift clothing online store during their time as a student at the University. She graduated from the department of Mass Communication from the University of Nigeria Nsukka. Although, the decision to initiate this business didn’t stem from a fervent passion for owning a clothing store. More so, from a practical need to augment her income, facilitating easier management of living and personal expenses.

In 2020, during pandemic, Chidera, like many others, found themselves confined at home with little to engage in. Witnessing her peers venturing into various businesses, some driven by genuine enthusiasm, Chidera resolved to follow suit. Although, it appeared to be a mutually beneficial endeavor, offering focus and substantial income.

However, it took some time for Chidera to ascertain the specific type of business she wished to establish. Entrepreneurship was not her innate inclination. Rather, her early aspirations and career path were distinct and well-defined. Yet, amidst this contemplation, her flair for style and fashion shone through. Numerous individuals, both acquaintances and strangers, frequently admired Chidera’s distinctive attire and inquired about its origin. Some even urged her ]to consider selling clothes, asserting they’d be their foremost customer.

Egbo Chidera: Transforming Thrift into Affordable Luxury -The Genesis of D-FAB Plug

After deliberation, Chidera concluded that vending fashionable, one-of-a-kind clothing pieces was the apt choice. She set about crafting her brand, marketing it within her WhatsApp network. The name ‘D-FAB Plug’ was chosen, with the “D” representing her name and “Fab” highlighting the fabulousness of their clothes. Likewise, “Plug” signifying their role as the go-to source for attire. Collaborating with a proficient graphic designer and friend named Izu, Chidera swiftly generated an online flyer. This was disseminated among friends and family, who in turn shared it along with compelling ad copy and WhatsApp link. Momentum built up, attracting prospective customers, and within a fortnight, Chidera unveiled their inaugural collection.

Egbo Chidera: Transforming Thrift into Affordable Luxury

Creating the D-FAB Brand: Style, Quality, and Affordability

Her first release met with resounding success, and subsequent drops performed admirably. Nearly every piece sold out, catapulting Chidera into the realm of recognizable brands. Customers were drawn to the uniqueness, style, and, above all, affordability of the clothes, priced between 2000-5000 naira. Nonetheless, these budget-friendly yet chic offerings were met with widespread acclaim. Although Chidera dealt in secondhand clothing, their merchandise exuded an air of opulence, ensuring profitability.

Embarking on this venture in 2021, Nevertheless, D-FAB began to die out as Chidera dissolved it in 2022. It did not serve as a distraction from academic pursuits, as they excelled in school. Challenges were par for the course, but no significant issues arose. Ultimately, the cessation of operations was a deliberate choice. Notwithstanding, while not every collection sold out, profits consistently exceeded initial investments. Chidera recognized the need to channel her time and talents into a field aligned with her genuine interests and career aspirations.

Egbo Chidera: Transforming Thrift into Affordable Luxury -Future Aspirations: Scaling D-FAB to New Heights

EgIn the coming years, once she’s achieved the career milestones she has set, Chidera contemplates a potential resurgence of D-FAB on a grander scale. Her father’s adage, “Money never exhausts,” resonates with her. The prospect of multiple income streams is appealing, with D-FAB ideally being one of them in the future.

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