The Sweet Success Story of Mikaila Ulmer

The Sweet Success Story of Mikaila Ulmer

In the world of entrepreneurship, there are countless success stories that inspire us, but few are as sweet and impressive as the story of Mikaila Ulmer. Mikaila Ulmer is not your average entrepreneur; she’s a young woman with a vision, a mission, and a passion for both business and the environment. Her journey, from starting a lemonade stand to becoming a global sensation. It is a testament to the power of determination, innovation, and giving back to the planet.

Early Beginnings: A Lemonade Stand and a Family Recipe

Mikaila’s story began at the age of four when she launched her first lemonade stand in Austin, Texas. However, this was no ordinary lemonade stand. It was a family tradition, passed down by her grandmother, which combined honey, lemons, and honeybees. This unique blend not only made her lemonade stand stand out but also ignited her curiosity about bees and their critical role in pollination and agriculture.

The Bee Incident: Turning a Setback into an Opportunity

Mikaila’s entrepreneurial spirit faced its first major test when she was stung by a bee not once, but twice in the same week. Instead of shying away from these incidents, Mikaila took it as a sign. She decided to learn more about bees and why they were essential to the environment. This led her to discover the plight of honeybees, whose populations were dwindling due to factors like pesticide use and climate change.

Me & the Bees Lemonade: A Recipe for Success and Social Impact

Armed with her knowledge of bees and an unshakeable desire to make a difference, Mikaila founded Me & the Bees Lemonade in 2009. Her lemonade not only used her great-grandmother’s recipe but also featured honey sourced from local beekeepers. Mikaila’s commitment to sustainability was evident in every aspect of her business, from using glass bottles instead of plastic to supporting beekeeping communities.

As her business grew, Mikaila’s dedication to social impact became more pronounced. She was determined to raise awareness about the importance of honeybees and encourage responsible environmental practices. A portion of her lemonade sales was donated to organizations focused on saving the honeybees.

Shark Tank and Beyond: Gaining National Recognition

Mikaila’s venture reached new heights when she appeared on the popular television show “Shark Tank” in 2015. Her pitch was met with enthusiasm, and she secured a deal with FUBU founder Daymond John. This opportunity provided the necessary funds, mentorship and exposure to take her brand to a national level.

Since then, Me & the Bees Lemonade has become a household name, available in major grocery chains across the United States. Her entrepreneurial journey has been marked by numerous accolades, including being named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list.  Her story has inspired people of all ages to make a positive impact on the world.


Mikaila Ulmer’s success story is a testament to the power of purpose-driven entrepreneurship. Her commitment to environmental sustainability, social impact, and responsible business practices has won her customers and hearts worldwide. Mikaila Ulmer is proof that even a young entrepreneur can make a significant difference in the world. Her journey serves as an inspiration for those looking to blend business success with positive change. As she continues to grow her brand and advocacy for honeybees. Mikaila reminds us that it’s never too early, or too late, to embark on a journey of entrepreneurship with a purpose.

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