Beyond the Books: The Entrepreneurial Odyssey of Victory Augustine

Balancing Academic Commitments with Entrepreneurial Pursuits with Victory Augustine

Balancing Academics with Entrepreneurial Pursuits. Embarking on Entrepreneurial Endeavors

Balancing Academics with Entrepreneurial Pursuits. In 2023, Victory Augustine, a third-year Accounting student at Caleb University, began her entrepreneurial journey under Dripwith_oma.

Driven by a desire for independence as the first child, she embarked on balancing academic commitments with burgeoning business activities.

Preferring self-reliance, Augustine ventured into various enterprises, including selling bags, sneakers, Polo’s, and corporate shoes.

Managing academic and business responsibilities initially posed challenges, jeopardizing her academic performance.

Despite the hurdles, Augustine persevered, determined to maintain a balance between her studies and entrepreneurial pursuits.


Balancing Academic with Entrepreneurial Pursuits. Progress and Challenges

Reflecting on her journey, Augustine acknowledges progress, rating her efforts at over 40%, albeit confined primarily to WhatsApp.

While her ventures remain promising, expansion to other social media platforms remains pending, a challenge she actively addresses.

Despite setbacks, Augustine remains steadfast in her commitment to her entrepreneurial endeavours, refusing to relent in her efforts.

Despite being confined to WhatsApp, Augustine’s entrepreneurial efforts have yielded a significant progress rate, exceeding 40%. However, she recognizes the need to expand beyond this platform to fully realize her business potential. Augustine actively tackles the challenge of extending her reach to other social media platforms, viewing it as an essential step in her journey towards success.

Despite encountering setbacks along the way, Augustine’s resolve remains unshaken. She remains steadfast in her commitment to her entrepreneurial pursuits, refusing to allow obstacles to deter her. Each setback is viewed as an opportunity for growth and learning, fueling Augustine’s determination to overcome challenges and achieve her goals.


Beyond the Books: The Entrepreneurial Odyssey of Victory Augustine. Aspiring for Future Success

Balancing Academics with Entrepreneurial Pursuits. Looking ahead, Augustine envisions amplifying her brand’s presence on social media platforms, aiming for widespread recognition.

With ambitions extending beyond her current ventures, Augustine aspires to establish a mall or store and explore diverse business opportunities.

Driven by determination and a thirst for success, Victory Augustine’s journey epitomizes resilience and entrepreneurial spirit amidst academic pursuits.

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