Orakwue Kosiso: The Journey of KORAK BRAND

Orakwue Kosiso: The Journey of KORAK BRAND

Orakwue Kosiso

Orakwue Kosiso: The Journey of KORAK BRAND. Orakwue Kosiso is a Mass Communication graduate from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She, therefore, embarked on a business venture in October 2019 during her third year of studies.

Triumph Amidst Uncertainty: From Modest Beginnings to Rapid Success

Further teaming up with a friend, they cautiously began selling pair necklaces tailored for couples, best friends, or siblings. The initial dozen pairs sold out remarkably within two months. Consequently, eager to expand, Kosiso delved into online research, discovering and successfully selling bralettes for ladies.

Unfortunately, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic momentarily halted operations. Subsequently, post-COVID, Kosiso independently revived the business, incorporating shorts, playsuits/rompers. Furthermore, managing the venture alone presented challenges, met with uncertainties and self-doubt. Besides, despite skeptics, support from friends and family fueled the business’s success.

Formalizing the enterprise as ‘KORAK BRAND,’ named after Kosiso’s surname and the initial ‘K,’ an Instagram page was established. Hence, significantly boosting visibility. The business not only complemented academic pursuits but also provided financial support, expanding Kosiso’s business acumen.

Orakwue Kosiso: The Journey of KORAK BRAND

Orakwue Kosiso: The Journey of KORAK BRAND –Reviving and Thriving Post-COVID

Moreover, thriving for a year and eight months, KORAK BRAND faced challenges after my completing studies in 2022. Even so, the shift away from the university environment affected the student-centric clientele. Therefore, coupled with delivery expenses and economic inflation, prompted a temporary closure.

Though undeterred, Kosiso remains hopeful, drawing on the resilience and knowledge gained whilst striving to achieve more. More so, the strategy and aspiration is to resurrect the KORAK BRAND when the opportunity and circumstance spring forth itself. Subsequently, showcasing the entrepreneurial spirit forged through this transformative journey. Orakwue Kosiso: The Journey of KORAK BRAND hasn’t ended but just begun.

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