Mustapha Gajibo: From Dropout to Innovator

Mustapha Gajibo: From Dropout to Innovator, Pioneering Electric Vehicles in Nigeria

Mustapha Gajibo

Mustapha Gajibo: From Dropout to Innovator- Pioneering Electric Vehicles in Nigeria. Discover the inspiring journey who defied odds  to become a pioneer in electric vehicle production in Nigeria.

Early Challenges and Determination

Explore his remarkable story of determination and innovation. Mustapha Gajibo, a determined individual, overcame obstacles and dropped out of university to become an inventor in Nigeria.  Additionally,  he successfully produced electric vehicles without a formal degree. His buses have a range of 200 kilometers before needing a recharge and are currently operational in Maiduguri. Mustapha aims to expand their reach and become the first homemade electric vehicle manufacturer in Sub-Sahara Africa. Despite facing challenges, including opposition from some family members and friends, he registered his company in 2014.

Advocating for a Sustainable Future

However, Mustapha is optimistic about the future of renewable energy and electric vehicles in Nigeria. More so, believing they can help mitigate economic hardships caused by the removal of fuel subsidies. In addition to electric vehicles, he also utilizes solar power to provide lighting for schools and health facilities in Maiduguri and other towns.

Mustapha Gajibo: From Dropout to Innovator- Pioneering Electric Vehicles in Nigeria -Revolutionizing Transportation with Electric Vehicles

Mustapha envisions exporting Nigerian-made electric vehicles. Furthermore, to other African countries and the global market in the next five years. He emphasizes the importance of government support. Subsequently, policies for young entrepreneurs and indigenous companies to flourish and combat unemployment. Mustapha’s innovations gained recognition through a documentary by Deutsche Welle (DW Africa). Consequently, bringing attention to his work in Maiduguri. He advocates for government subsidies on electric vehicles. Further, following China’s example, to facilitate the transition from gasoline-powered to electric mobility in Nigeria. Additionally, Mustapha Gajibo’s creativity has been praised by prominent figures. Nonetheless, he underscores the necessity of supportive government policies. Likewise for the success of inventions.

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