Mikaila Ulmer: The Inspiring Journey of a Powerful Entrepreneur

Youngest entrepreneur in the world

Mikaila Ulmer: The Inspiring Journey of a Powerful Entrepreneur

Mikaila Ulmer, born in 2005 in Austin, Texas, became the world’s youngest entrepreneur. Her journey began when she was just four years old. After being stung by two bees in a week, she developed an interest in bees. Instead of fearing them, she learned about their crucial role in our ecosystem. She also discovered that their population was declining rapidly.

The Birth of Me & the Bees Lemonade

Inspired by her research, Mikaila Ulmer, wanted to help save the bees. She combined her passion with a recipe from her great-grandmother’s 1940s cookbook. Mikaila began making lemonade sweetened with honey instead of sugar. She first set up a lemonade stand as part of a children’s business competition. Her lemonade quickly caught attention for its unique flavor and mission to save bees. This small stand soon grew into a brand named Me & the Bees Lemonade.

Turning Passion into a Business

Mikaila’s business took off as she pitched her lemonade at local events. She impressed many with her passion and knowledge. In 2015, she appeared on Shark Tank, securing a $60,000 investment deal with Daymond John. This exposure helped her lemonade get stocked in national retailers like Whole Foods.

Expanding the Brand

Her company now offers various lemonade flavors, all sweetened with honey and natural ingredients. A portion of profits goes to support bee-saving initiatives. By age 13, Mikaila Ulmer, had sold over a million bottles. She also secured deals with major retailers, expanding her brand further. Mikaila’s story has inspired young people to take bold steps and pursue their passions.

Mikaila Ulmer

Beyond Business: A Mission-Driven Entrepreneur

Mikaila’s entrepreneurial journey is deeply mission-driven. She wrote a book, “Bee Fearless: Dream Like a Kid,” to share her story and advice. Her brand’s motto, “Buy a Bottle, Save a Bee,” reflects her commitment to making a difference.

Awards and Recognition

Mikaila’s efforts have earned her significant recognition. She was named one of TIME Magazine’s Most Influential Teens. She also won the Teenpreneur of the Year Award and received praise from President Barack Obama. Major outlets like The New York Times and Forbes have featured her inspiring journey.

Inspiring the Next Generation

Mikaila’s story proves that age is no barrier to entrepreneurship. She shows that passion, dedication, and learning can turn small ideas into big successes. Today, Mikaila continues to run her business, advocate for environmental causes, and inspire others.


Mikaila Ulmer’s journey from a small lemonade stand to a multi-million dollar brand is remarkable. She demonstrates how creativity and commitment can make a real impact. Her story is a powerful reminder that young people can drive change and make the world a better place.


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