Daniel Orjikalu: Unplanned Entrepreneurial Pursuit

Daniel Orjikalu: Unplanned Entrepreneurial Pursuit.

Daniel Orjikalu

Daniel Orjikalu: Unplanned Entrepreneurial Pursuit. Daniel is a recent graduate from the Department of Mass Communication at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN).

From Campus Catwalks to Entrepreneurial Heights: Daniel’s Unlikely Beginnings

In the first place, he found himself unexpectedly immersed in entrepreneurship during his undergraduate years.

Moreover, his initial motivation was not solely focused on earning, but rather on acquiring skills for personal growth. Subsequently, from humble beginnings as a freelance model for local fashion brands within the university, Daniel’s entrepreneurial spirit evolved.

Transitioning from a freelance model, Daniel progressed to teaching catwalks and eventually emerged as the most popular pageant host at the University of Nigeria. 

Daniel Orjikalu: Unplanned Entrepreneurial Pursuit

Daniel Orjikalu: Unplanned Entrepreneurial Pursuit -Launching “Deelaw Agency” and Redefining Hospitality Services

However, recognizing the saturation of the fashion industry with creatives, he strategically initiated an agency named “Deelaw Agency”. More so, in early March 2022 in his third year.

Primarily, aiming to provide transparent and luxurious hospitality services. Which includes flight bookings, short-term apartment rentals, and rental areas/apartments.

Currently, Daniel is a digital marketer for a reputable tech company and serves as the social media team lead for the NGO Project 26. Despite the demanding nature of these roles, he effectively manages his business, Deelaw Agency. Upon leaving school, Daniel realized the need to thoroughly understand digital marketing. Even so, social media management to elevate his business.

Daniel Orjikalu: Unplanned Entrepreneurial Pursuit

Balancing Acts: Navigating Academia, Business, and Social Impact in Daniel’s Journey

Throughout his academic journey, Daniel maintained a keen focus on priorities. Despite the allure of a student target audience for his business, he never lost sight of the importance of excelling in his studies. This experience as a young entrepreneur taught him the crucial lesson of balance. Looking ahead, Daniel’s goal is to expand his business. Specifically, Daniel Orjikalu: Unplanned Entrepreneurial Pursuit is to hire staff and employees, and create avenues to address poverty.

About The Author

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