Conflicts Student Entrepreneurs Face in Universities

Conflicts Student Entrepreneurs Face in Universities

Conflicts Student Entrepreneurs Face in Universities need to be paid rapt attention to. Once upon a time, attending a university and graduating with a good degree was all you needed to secure a good job in Nigeria. Today, things have changed, good jobs are scarce and a university degree no longer guarantees one. Unfortunately, universities in Nigeria are still not keeping up with this change.

Even though the need to create more businesses is evident, many institutions of higher learning still focus on raising employable graduates rather than entrepreneurial ones. So students typically get into and out of schools with the sole aim of becoming great employees — only to have their dreams shattered, more often than not.

Without the necessary support systems in schools, students who become entrepreneurs have a slim chance of building truly successful businesses.


Entrepreneurs in Nigeria grapple with a pressing issue: the acute lack of access to funding. Securing capital for startups or established businesses proves to be a grave task. Financial institutions often impose high interest rates, deterring many potential entrepreneurs. This situation stunts the growth of businesses, particularly those in their early stages, and stifles innovation.


 Entrepreneurs face significant hurdles in the form of inadequate infrastructure. Unreliable electricity and subpar transportation networks. Inconsistent internet connectivity create logistical and operational challenges. These issues not only inflate operational costs but restrict the scope and efficiency of businesses. Entrepreneurs find themselves compelled to create solutions or make investments in backup systems, diverting resources from core business activities.


Corruption remains an existing challenge in Nigeria. This significantly impacts entrepreneurs. Bureaucratic red tape, extortion, and bribery can hinder business operations and kill profits. Entrepreneurs often find themselves in a web of corrupt practices when seeking licenses, permits, or dealing with regulatory bodies. This undermines the conducive business environment necessary for sustainable growth.


Limited access to markets poses a critical challenge for entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Reaching a broader customer base, both domestically and internationally, often proves to be a formidable task. Infrastructure gaps and logistical challenges exacerbate this issue. Additionally, competition within local markets can be fierce, necessitating that entrepreneurs find innovative ways to differentiate their products or services.

In conclusion,  entrepreneurs face a set of challenges that significantly impact their ability to succeed and grow. Overcoming these hurdles require efforts from both the private and public sectors. Addressing issues of funding accessibility, infrastructure development and anti-corruption measures. Market access can create a more favorable environment for entrepreneurship to thrive in Nigeria.

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